
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Young House Love.

Do any of you read the Young House Love blog? If you don't, start right meow. Seriously. This blog could be nicknamed Love Love Love. It's amazing. Either way. They inspire me. I feel like Erik and I are playing Young Love House today. (Yes, I meant for it to say Young Love House instead of Young House Love.)

I have a few more photos for you after today's progress. It still looks like a mass disaster. But. We prayed for rain the last two days and it's seriously been monsooning. We asked for this. To those of you that are suffering because of the weather, our sincere appologies. Erik ended up getting off work early yesterday because of the weather so the guys from his crew came and helped move furniture. They rock, right? (: Today they couldn't go out at all because it stormed all night. P.S. We slept terrible. First night in a new house. Bleh. But mud = no work for my man today. We took complete advantage of that.

Before my other photos I want to throw in a quick Mother's Day recap BECAUSE. My mom's Mother's Day request was to not have to cook. So Erik and I did all of it that day and I would just like to share the stunning photo of the Asparagas/Ham Keis we made for breakfast.

Then, I did hair cuts for Erik and my mom. Photo below. I wish it were a better picture of Erik's new fohawk because it seriously looks great and I straightened my moms hair during the cut. The first time she's ever, ever, ever had her hair straightened. We were doing it in the kitchen (where I do all of my at home hair, ha) so when she went into the bathroom and saw it for the first time she literally screamed. Bahaha.

Heads up! For those of you that don't clean the rod in your closets (like me!) maybe you should! Sick! Ha.

My first project of the day. I'm turning this corner into a toy area. (: For all of our friendlies who have kiddies, we're seriously going to be prepared. I decided to paint the top and insides orange.

I was really excited because I had orange from our last bedroom. Well. When I used in here, probably the lighting, it looked more orange than brown. Sad face.

So. I had to go buy new paint. Better, yes?

Not completely finished yet, but I'll get you photos when I am. Erik was a stud today. The kitchen is his. He kept asking, Katie where should I put this? Katie where should I put that? And smiled so big when I told him everything in the kitchen was up to him. I am not the cook. (: Either way. He washed alllllll of those dishes today. Aand that pot on the stove. Chilli. (: Rock star. I love him.

Here's our living room con furinture! (: Disaster still yes, but it's getting there. P.S. The strange round thing is our Love Sack. I was skeptical at first too. It really rocks. SO comfy! My best friend Rhea brought me a house warming gift! (: The flowers on the table. I thought they were just flowers in a vase, until she said "I hope you have better luck keeping it alive than I would." Yes! It's a plant! In a pot! Ahhhh!! I'm SO excited! Love it. Love her.

I started putting pictures up in the living room. I'm very into the collage style but Erik thinks it looks crowded. So I'll have to find something in the middle for us. Either way, there would have been one more photo on the top of the right side but in the middle of my hanging them up I decided it was all higher than I wanted so I quit. Ha.

Today! Our bed came! (: Brand new king sized! Ahh. We're so excited. Hopefully we sleep so well tonight!

And I snagged this cute frame and the thrift store for $2.50!

Either way. I can't concentrate any more. My mommy and daddy are here for Chilli and Biggest Loser. I think when I'm doing something else they ask me 8 million questions on purpose to distract me. Know what I mean?

More soon.

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