
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This site is under construction.

Hola Lovers.

I've decided to revamp the blog. Obviously we're in need of change. I've come to the conclusion I either need to get on top of this blogging thing, or be a quitter. SO, I'm going to try, try, try to blog more. (: I'm clearly not fabulous at it by any means but I'm going to work on it. Any suggestions of what you would like to see here are very welcome. Please share. You are the reader and as much as this is about us, it is for you. And as much as this is about our lives, it really isn't about us. It's about our God. (John 3:30 He must become greater. I must become less.) This isn't about me or Erik. It's about you and love and life and beauty and Jesus.

Somedays when I consider taking a step back from this internet crazed world, from facebook, blogging pinterest etc. It's because I feel I'm so consumed with technology that it's taking away from things that are real. But everytime I remember the reality of it is, this is what our world is coming to, this isn't going to go away and this is where I can reach so many people. This is where I can share. My life. My love. My savior. Maybe this is getting a little mushy. But I want to be real, because that's what matters to me. You are what matters to me. I think I need to work a lot more on sharing the things that are real, the things that are happening, the things that are inspiring and the things that are beautiful. Also the things that are true. What else matters?

I love you.

What would you like to see here? What would you like to hear from us?

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